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Shared hosting plans

We offer following four shared website hosting plans:

Plan xHosting-small xHosting-medium xHosting-large xHosting-huge
price/month (w/o VAT) 6,25 € 10 € 15 € 20 €
space 500 MB 2GB 7,5GB 15GB
# of domains 5 10 15 25
# of FTP usernames 1 2 5 5
email mailboxes
# of mailboxes 10 20 20 50
size 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB 2 GB
databases (mySQL)
# of databases 5 5 5 10

We offer additional discounts when payment is made for a longer period, except for “small” plan.

If you could not find a hosting plan that would suit your needs, contact us and we will try to accomodate your website hosting needs.

Shared hosting plans

  • Shared hosting plans